Who We Are
Our Vision
To be the regional Clinical Laboratory service of choice due to outstanding trust, delivering excellent patient cares, setting a new standard for Clinical Laboratories services and being recognized as the best resource of quality services in our community and in hospitals.
Be Fast:The quickest responce time in the health care services.
Be Global:A diversified, multi-national quality assurance organizations.
Be Connected:Connecting people empowering the health care business.
Our Mission

Our Values
Every day we deliver safe, high-quality laboratory service driven by our values.
Our values influence how we make decision and guide the way we work each day with each other, patients and their families. With the help of our communities, Bio Care Laboratories developed a patient declaration of values that reminds us of what is most important to the people who depend on us for safe and high quality health care services.
Our Culture
A welcoming environment of positive attitudes driven by honesty, integrity, and ethics.
Strategic Priority
To be efficient and effective.
To focus on prevention.
To provide integrated care services with people.
To provide sustainable pathway for specialist services.